Church yard Information

Ansley Church like so many village churchyards has been a burying ground for centuries. The former residents of the parish were laid to rest where the then incumbent, probably with the guidance of the parish gravedigger thought fit. A wooden cross would be all that was possible to mark the majority if the graves.

It would have been only the very wealthy who had a tomb or headstone made from the local sandstone. In the early C18th, with the arrival of the canals, Walsh slate was introduced and it is these stone that have survived the weathering.

The parish records go back to 1647 and are held at Warwickshire County Record Office. The exact locations are not known as the area would have been re used over the centenaries.

Today we have a comprehensive list of all the stones in the churchyard.

The area between the annexe down to the style was first used for burial in1949.and all those interred there are known. The list is below, if you would like further details please contact at

Furthermore if you would like to contribute to the maintenance of the churchyard please use the donate button opposite stating churchyard or send a BACS payment to Ansley PCC Churchyards (classed as a business) to HSBC bank 40 35 20 account number 00116076. Thanks you.