July Magazine

July Services at Ansley Churches

 2nd July

Trinity 4

St John’s 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion
9th July

Trinity 5

St Laurence’s 10.30 a.m. Morning Worship
16th July

Trinity 6

St John’s 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion
 23rd  July

Trinity 7

St Laurence’s 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion
30th July

Trinity 8

St Laurence’s 10.30 a.m. Songs of Praise

From the Registers

Interment of Ashes

The ashes of Myrah Pugh were interred with her husband and granddaughter on  Wednesday 31st May.


The funeral of John Underhill, 87, took place at the Heart of England Crematorium on Thursday 25th May.  This was followed by a memorial service at St Laurence.  John served in the Royal Navy and then worked for Rolls Royce as an engineer.  He loved making things, especially the boat, Mr Baggins, in which he and his family had many adventures.  He contributed to community life in many ways, including teaching lifesaving skills to many young people.  He was also a very talented artist.  He painted a landscape on the garage door of one of his homes, which became a bit of a landmark.  Our thoughts and prayers are with John’s family and friends.

Songs of Praise

A Songs of Praise service will be held at St Laurence on 30th July at 10.30 a.m.   Please let a Churchwarden know if you have a favourite hymn that you would like to be included in this service.

Prayer Meeting at St John’s

This month’s meeting will be on Tuesday 25th July at 2.00 p.m.

Guild of Bell Ringers

A group of bell ringers will be visiting St Laurence to ring the bells on Tuesday 20th July from 12.10 to 12.50 p.m.

St John’s Bingo

There will be another of the popular Prize Bingo sessions on Monday 31st July at 7.00 p.m.

Flower Festival 2023 – Preparations

The planning for this year’s festival over the August Bank Holiday weekend is well in hand.  It is now time to start the actual preparations.  As usual one of the most time-consuming is tidying the churchyard.  One task is the cutting and clearing of the grass surrounding and on the graves, particularly the older ones that have ‘kerbstones’ around them.  Another task is tidying the edges of the paths.  If anyone has a bit of time to spare, please come along with your own tools and do any bit that you can see needs to be done.  Only do what you have time for – hopefully someone else will carry on the task!

Once again this year we will be looking for a display of pot plants and also wanting to use as many locally grown flowers as possible.  If you are able to help, please do let us know.

Publicity is a vital part of the success of the flower festival that everyone can help with.  Please tell your neighbours about it.  If you want fliers or posters or further information, again, please ask.  The information can be emailed to you to forward to others.

The most important thing you can do is PRAY.  This event could not take place without God’s help.  Please pray for this festival that it may bring the Good News of the Gospel to all who visit.

Student Visit to St Laurence

On Saturday 17th June, Dr John Hunt brought a group of twenty of his students from Birmingham University to study the different styles from different centuries of the church architecture.  Dr Hunt also helped us when we revised the latest issue of the history of the church.

From the PCC

Ministry and Mission

For your diaries: Saturday 16th September at 2.00 p.m., at St Mary and All Saints, Fillongley.

Archdeacon Barry has suggested the above date for a commissioning service for the Ley Group of Parishes.  Planning meetings between the partnership team and representatives from each parish will take place in the weeks before the service   More details will be given later in the summer.


Lighting: The permission process for replacing halogen bulbs with LED ones is progressing smoothly.  This has been quite a complex project as wiring and fittings  also need to be changed.


Ansley Village Church Hall and St John’s Hall

It is pleasing to report that at this time, hall bookings and events mean that the finances for both halls are satisfactory.


Trees: Following the survey of our 48 trees in the churchyard, we have now commenced the necessary work on the 14 gold and green Irish yews along the wall by the lane.

This involves putting special tight wire bands around each tree to keep it in shape.  We are very grateful to those who have volunteered to do the work, which is quite strenuous.  This generosity of time has helped to keep the costs down.  The wire and the clamps alone are £502.99, all of which has to be funded from donations and churchyard fees.

Diocesan Synod

It was announced at the recent meeting that Bishop Christopher would be leaving Coventry to take up the position of Dean of Windsor.  The representatives were also told that Bishop John would be retiring this summer.

A report was given on the Alive Praise Party that was held at Stoneleigh recently.  All KS2 children from Church of England Schools in the Diocese were invited to this event by the Diocesan Board of Education.

9,000 children, from 69 schools, came to four events.  4,500 children and 500 helpers came on the Thursday and 3,500 plus 500 helpers on the Friday.  At lunch time on both days the children sat outside for a picnic.  There was great entertainment with music and singing – all with the Gospel message.

It was amazing to see a short film of the event, especially with around 5,000 children sitting on the grass for lunch at the same time..

We pray that these children will receive the message and become the future of our churches.

Comments and concerns: Recently the Diocese has created a structured way to analyse comments and concerns received from the parishes and other sources.  It is encouraging that they are becoming more proactive in their support of parishes.

A message from the Bishop of Coventry, the Right Reverend Dr Christopher Cocksworth

An announcement was made from 10, Downing Street on 20th June at 10.00 a.m. that Bishop Christopher has been appointed Dean of Windsor, from 6th November 2023.  The Bishop had an email sent around the Diocese a few minutes after the official announcement, including to Churchwardens.

An extract from his letter is given below,

“At this point may I simply say that I have loved the Diocese of Coventry since I first had the great privilege of being called to be Diocesan Bishop over fifteen years ago and I am hugely grateful to you for your support and collegiality as we have sought to serve the diocese together.  You are a hugely gifted and dedicated team of DBF and DBE/MAT staff, Readers and other lay Ministers, Deacons Priests and Churchwardens who give so much to the life of the Diocese.  I look forward to seeing many of you over these remaining months as we continue to work for the coming of God’s kingdom in this place.

I ask for your prayers as I prepare for all that lies ahead and for the Diocese of Coventry as we look toward the future that God is preparing for the Diocese.

With my great love in Christ,


We pray for Bishop Christopher as he completes his service in the Diocese of Coventry over the next few months and prepares to take up his new post as Dean of Windsor.

We pray too for Bishop John as he looks towards retiring in the summer.

We ask God to bless them both and to bless the people of this Diocese over this period of change and into the future He has planned for his church.


Prayer Requests

If you would like someone or a particular situation to be remembered in prayer, please make contact by email or phone one of the following.

Margaret Antill          018 2787 4520

Margaret Oliver         014 5582 2822

Diana Kealey            024 7639 5089